Thursday, January 1, 2015

RDLC Report GetData and SetData standard method

  • Add the following function in report code

public Shared CompanyAddressInfo as Object

Public Function SetData(NewData as Object,Group as Integer)
    if Group = 1 and  NewData > "" then
       CompanyAddressInfo = NewData
    End if 
End Function

Public Function GetData(Num as integer,Group as Integer) as Object
    if Group = 1 then
       if Choose(Num, Split(Cstr(CompanyAddressInfo), Chr(177)))="" then
          Return " "
       End if
       Return Cstr(Choose(Num, Split(Cstr(CompanyAddressInfo), Chr(177))))
    End if
End Function

  • In Report Body – create the textbox and call the setdata function from hidden expression of textbox

=Code.SetData(Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddress1.Value) + Chr(177) +
Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddress2.Value) + Chr(177) +
Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddress3.Value) + Chr(177) +
, 1)

  • Now just direct use the GetData function in report Header and Footer to get the value of index data.(Note: there is no need to create SetData function in report header as we do in old version report)



  • For Image Box = There is no need to create SetPicture and GetPicture function in report to print logo.You can directly use the field expression in report header and footer to print logo



  1. Thank You for this article and the description of this issue :) Really interesting and good read :)

  2. Hi Nilesh,

    Thank you for nice post. I tried printing logo by convert.tobase64string codeline... But it didn't work. Cross mark came in RTC report.

    I am using Nav 2016.

  3. Hi,I want to create index for report.In my report there are more than 30 pages.The report has multiple dynamic processes like for one process consumes 5 pages another process contains 8 pages and so on. I want create index on first page that has content fields are processno,processname and pageno.
    Please help me to solve the problem i'm stucked with this point from last 5 days.
