Tuesday, November 15, 2016

GST for Dynamics NAV India (Released for NAV 2016 !!!)

Dear Friends,

Today i have attain the Microsoft seminar at Delhi and got the very good news about GST patch will be available for Dynamics NAV IN for following 2 version.

  • Dynamics NAV 2016 (Available now in CU 17 - Find the download link below)
  • Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 (Release on 02nd week of May 2017)
  • Dynamics NAV 2013 (Release on 03rd  week of May 2017)
  • Earlier Version (Not Applicable for GST Patch)

It will available for Dynamics NAV before few days ago of GST application by Government of India.

I will update my blog once i will get some more detail on it.
Thank you. Keep in touch

Update : 19/01/17

Greetings !

With the passing of the GST Bill in Parliament, and the expected enactment of the GST Law, we wish to inform you about the changes expected in the plans for Dynamics solutions (AX and NAV):
The tentative target plan date for the GST release is one month prior to the actual date of the enforcement of the GST law. However, it depends on the enactment of the final law and clarity on some of its aspects from the Government's end.*
Release may be impacted by any lack of clarification or addition of new clauses essential for E2E execution of business processes
Post-enactment, revised plans for Microsoft Dynamics solutions will be released in all supported versions:
For Dynamics AX
AX 2009
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 R3**
For Dynamics NAV
NAV 2013
NAV 2013 R2
NAV 2016

These plans may change or undergo adjustment depending on changes in organizational business priorities or any specific directives from the government regarding the implementation of the law.

Regards, Microsoft India
* Due to regular revision of Model GST draft law new requirements are appearing impacting
feature design . In view of this multiple hotfix releases may take.

**First Community Technology Preview (CTP) for AX2012 R3 is planned in January, 2017
(The CTPs do not support go-live or upgrade)

Disclaimer: Final law of GST is still awaited, considering the suggestions from the state Governments
to defer GST implementation, a delay of few months beyond April 2017 may not be ruled out.


Update - 06/03/2017

Microsoft has release the GST Patch for Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2016 on date 06-March-2017

It was included in CU 17 for NAV 2016.
You can download it from here : Download GST Patch NAV 2016 IN

Thanks to Microsoft India Team.

My team has started the testing. I will shortly release the setup document for GST Patch in Dynamics NAV.


Update  - 09/03/2017

Microsoft has provide date for GST Patch Release for NAV 2013 & NAV 2013 R2 Version.


Update - 11/05/17

GST Phase 2 Released for NAV 2016 IN


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 Released

Hello Friends,

Effective October 27, 2016, Microsoft is proud to announce the General Availability of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017.
Over the last few years, we have shipped a series of new releases that have transformed Microsoft Dynamics NAV and your market opportunity. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 continues to be enhanced, bringing together worlds, creating powerful new opportunities for you to add value, and supporting all your business ambitions.
To ensure you are ready to download Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017, please review all the readiness materials available for you on PartnerSource including training resources, licensing and policy guidelines.

NAV 2017 doesn't release for Indian Version. Microsoft India partner is working for  GST add-on in Dynamics NAV.

Download Link:

Monday, September 19, 2016

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 - New Features

Hello Friends,

Microsoft has published a "What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 Limited Beta" document on partnersource and it contain some of the very limited functionalities of Dynamics NAV 2017. I feel that there will be much more functionalities will be available on the actual Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 version. 

According to the released document following are the main new things available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 beta, 
  • Improvement in Incoming documents
  • Categorization of Inventory Items (I'm sure many will love this)
  • Cancel posted credit memo (Finally it is available in Dynamics NAV) 
  • Package Tracking
  • Account Categories in the Chart of Account
  • Improvement in Functional Areas
    • Payment Reconciliation
    • Job module
    • Fixed Asset module
    • US financial reports
  • Better Office 365 integration with Dynamics NAV and introducing Outlook calendar and Outlook mail to Dynamics NAV. (No more rework)
  • Simplified setup of CRM from inside Dynamics NAV
  • Simplified opportunity management in CRM functionalities
  • Smart notifications (It is smart!)
  • Great extension capabilities (Some of the out-of-box extensions are really great) 
  • Time series library.
  • Application area tagging.
  • Web Services in multitenant deployment
  • Smarter sales and purchase documents
  • Data protection through audit, restoration and geo-replication
  • Predefined Azure ML* services

Micro vertical solutions

For the first time Microsoft now also talks about micro-vertical solutions a concept that otherwise only previously has been used by SAP. What they say is that the functionality will enable their partners to develop vertical and micro-vertical solutions.

With the release of the Beta version of Dynamics NAV 2017, you will be able to get a gimps of NAV 2017. Just download and try it out! I am sure you will find it very exciting. 

One picture that says everything....

I don’t want to go too deep into it .. just because I can’t … but I’ll still, let’s try to see what’s coming to us.
Thank you reading.

Keep in touch for more updates.
I hope NAV 2017 will release for IN version.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Export more than 5000 records to excel in Dynamics NAV

Hello Friends,

Dynamics NAV default setting doesn't allow user to export more than 5000 rows to excel in NAV 2013 and newer version.

If user want to export more than 5000 rows to excel than we need to update following parameter in user custom setting files.

update the tag value: <add key=”MaxNoOfXMLRecordsToSend” value=”100000″/> in user configuration file.

File is located in respected version folder:

Update the value in following parameter.

You can find the user configuration file at following location:

Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP:  (Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\ClientUserSetting.config)

Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008 : (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\ClientUserSetting.config)

Common Error face during the import of Merge Text File - Dynamics NAV Upgrade

Hello Friends,

This blog is only relevant to Technical Developer of Dynamics NAV.
While we doing an upgrade project we have prepare a single merge text file contain all the old version customization and we need to import this text file new standard version base database.

While import the file we have face different type of error - because something wrong during merge or may be there is some text issue in old code.

I have summarize all the possible error during import files and solution for that.
Because some time it is very difficult to identify the issue in merged files.

1)      Error for “//” written in description field

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
There is a syntax error in the import on line 220749 in position 2 :   KEYS.

A '{' (ElemBegin) is expected here.

Error Reason:
There is double slash written in field description

Remove that double slash from description field.


2)      Syntax Error (TAB Character exists in text constant )

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
There is a syntax error.

Error Detail:
Tab Character in Text Constant (some time we copy paste the text from word file than it was happen)

Error Solution:
Remove TAB Character manually


3) “OnBeforePassField” trigger not supported in NAV 2013 and it is also not converted by conversion tool

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
'Export::OnBeforePassField=12 }' is not an option.

The existing options are:

Indentation, Expanded, NodeName, NodeType, SourceType, ID, ParentID, NamespacePrefix,
Namespaces, Comment, Occurrence, MinOccurs, MaxOccurs, VariableName, Format, TextType,
Width, DataType, Import::OnAfterAssignVariable, Export::OnBeforePassVariable

Error Detail: OnBeforePassField” trigger not supported in NAV 2013 and it is also not converted by conversion tool

Solution : This property not supported in new version. Skip import that xmlport and do it latter.


4) Field Name is change in new version so it is giving error for : “Prod. Order No.” to “Order No.”

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
You cannot enter '    {    ;Prod. Order No.,Item No.                 }' in FieldNo.

Error Reason:
Change the name of field

Fix the name of key fields


5)      } “Breaket” is used instead of semi colon (;)

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
There is a syntax error in the import on line 32203 in position 50 :                                                   Description=C0011-1001330 }.

A '{' (ElemBegin) is expected here.

Error Reason:
There is should be line end with semicolon but it is ended by }

Error Solution:
Write the semicon in place of closing breaket


6)      There is keyword “VAR” is missing before define the variable in function

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
'BEGIN' should come here.

Error Reason:
There is keyword “VAR” is missing before define the variable in function

Error Solution:
Enter the keyword “VAR” before the first variable define

7)      Begin and END line exists with start procedure (it is invalid past line so check and remove it)

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
'.' should come here.

Error Reason:
There is invalid line files (Procedure syntax is missing before function code start)

Error Solution: 
Remove that lines and make it correct


8)      Duplicate Name Found in table

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
The field name can appear only once in a table:

Field Name: Shipping Agent Code
Table: Service Header

Solution: You have added customize field with same as new standard field. So update the name of your custom field.


9)      You have Replace the “VAR” keyword with “Begin” so system is doesn’t find the END for that new Begin

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
There is a syntax error in the import on line 120574 in position 50 : 
                                      CaptionML=ENU=Location Code }.

The AL code is not indented as much as the first line.

Error Reason:
See the following snapshot. Where you can find that you have replace the “VAR” Keyword by “Begin”

In text file it is look like

Update that Begin keyword with VAR keyword

10)      Error in Import Page File

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
'{ 64      ;2   ;Action    ;                      CaptionML=ENU=Line Discounts;' is not an option.

The existing options are:

ID, Name, CaptionML, Caption, ToolTip, ToolTipML, Description, Image, Visible, Enabled,
RunPageMode, Promoted, PromotedCategory, PromotedIsBig, ShortCutKey, Ellipsis, RunObject,
RunPageView, RunPageLink, RunPageOnRec, InFooterBar, ActionLevel, OnAction

Error Reason: There is closing breaket is missing in new action added on page

Solution: Merge the missing part and it will solve the error


11)      Error for double semicolon in page

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
You cannot enter '; } PROPERTIES { CaptionML=ENU=Service Item Card;' in FieldNo.

Error Reason:
There is double semicolon in data

Remove one to solve error


12)      Import Error “t_id” import file

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
't_id' should come here.

Error Reason: 

Added Breaket to solve error

13)      VAR Keyword is missing before define variable

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
Use the symbol { to start the comment. For example: {Ordinary comment}.

I will update blog when i face any new error in import.
I hope it will help you some time to get the solution of your issue.

Thank you reading.
Please write the comment if have any query/concern.

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Happy Independents Day,,,,,