Friday, July 17, 2015

RDLC - Format the Number & Thousand Seperator as per Region Setup (Indian Format)

Dear All,

RDLC is support the local language Number formats, Thousands separator and Date format.

For example:
Switzerland (de-CH), number formats is like “1.234,56” but it in report it is always print like: 1,234.56

To resolve this issue – NAV will help you as always.

Do the following modification in your code and get the output:

1) Add one new function in Table – 8 “Language”

GetLanguageName(LanguageCode : Code[10]) : Text[10]
CultureInfo := CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(GetLanguageID(LanguageCode));
2) Open report in design mode add the following column in report

Data Type
Data Source
Language.GetLanguageName("Language Code")

3) Now open the report layout for report and bulk-select all TextBox controls in each Tablix. When selected, change the property Language for all controls to =Fields!LanguageName.Value

4) Run the report it will print the decimal value as per local region format (like: 12,456.00 -  12.456,00)

I have use that and it is working fine.
Please send me email or write comment to get this object.
Thank you
Keep sharing...Keep Growing !!!

Update : 25 July 2018

Very simple and working method to set indian currency format in reports

Just changes the property of decimal field in RDLC Report to "hi-IN" and apply the format expression in decimal field (either N2 or specific field format expression)

Output of report: