Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Docker Useful Command Collection

Hello Friends,

Here i will list down the useful command require for Docker to run NAV365BC Image as docker container

Run command docker version to confirm that docker is installed and running.
If it's installed and running you will see an output as in below screenshot. If not then run the docker from the desktop shortcut or from the start menu.

Download Docker Image, List Image, Create/Delete/List Container - command list

NAV Container Command

Run command docker pull microsoft/bcsandbox:us to download the image for Business Central US version.

Using an object-oriented programming analogy, the difference between a Docker image and a Docker container is the same as that of the difference between a class and an object. An object is the runtime instance of a class. Similarly, a container is the runtime instance of an image.

Run PowerShell command –
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

We will be running the script and by default, PowerShell stops running scripts. Run above command to set Execution Policy to Remote Signed.

install-module navcontainerhelper -force

navcontainerhelper is a PowerShell Module, which can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery by using above cmdlet.

docker images

Above command will list down all the images that you have downloaded till now. If you have already run download image in the last section you should see one image as shown below.


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