Hello Friends,
We can extend the role center page in business central to add new group on role center page.
New action group look like
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We can extend the role center page in business central to add new group on role center page.
pageextension 52515
BusinessManagerRoleCenterEx extends "Business Manager Role Center"
// version NAVW113.00,NAVNA13.00
group("**** House")
Caption = '**** House';
Image = Journals;
ToolTip = 'Collect and make payments, prepare
statements, and reconcile bank accounts.';
action("Item Tagging List")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = List;
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Page 52508;
action("Staging Invoice List")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = List;
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Page 52511;
RunPageView = SORTING ("Applet Order No.")
action("****house Integration Setup")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = Administration;
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Page 52501;
action("Item List WS")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = List;
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Page 52504;
= sorting ("No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = List;
= true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Page 52505;
RunPageView = sorting ("Attribute ID", ID)
action("Item Tagging Process")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = "Report";
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Report 52503;
action("Staging Invoice Process")
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = "Report";
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
RunObject = Report 52502;
New action group look like
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